Dunster Tithe Barn
Community Hall
The 14th Century Tithe Barn is the “Hidden Heart” of medieval Dunster. In constant use by community groups and hirers, the public can visit on its many event days. A unique and adaptable Somerset wedding venue, it has commercial kitchens and licensed bar facilities. It is can also be rented for other celebrations, concerts, conventions, conferences, exhibitions, and corporate meetings. Weekly exercise, music and art classes include: Short Mat Bowls, Pilates, Tia Chi, Karate, Meditation, Yoga, Table Tennis, U3A Ukuleles and Somatic Movement. Events focused on Exmoor, Somerset and the South West include: Craft and artisan and food and drink markets, antique, vintage and collector fairs, and other specialist shows.
Open to the general public during events
Tel: 01643 821658 or Christine Oliver 01643 821246